The Painter's Essential Cheat Sheet
I love an infographic, especially an arty one! This one is brilliant, a cheat sheet for a painter with all sorts of handy information about painting mediums and equipment. I love the quote by Lowry which is included too.
"I am a simple man, and I use simple materials: ivory, black, vermilion (red), Prussian blue, yellow ochre, flake white and no medium. That's all I've ever used in my paintings" LS Lowry
Goes to show that you don't need an expensive kit to make something beautiful.
A creative person (whether you're a designer, crafter or painter) should carry a little note / sketch pad and a pencil, or a camera with them at the very least. I love that I can just whip out my phone and take a snap of anything and everything (usually flowers for me!), but sketching is a great way to really 'see' what you're looking at. I just wish my sketches were a little more refined.
Included is a colour mixing guide, types of brushes, palette knives, graphite pencils, paints, pastels, charcoal, different types of canvas and paper.
Courtesy of: The Studio at Zippi