I really love knitting - I've made scarves, gloves, Christmas Stockings, a little pair of slippers and quite a few blankets - but nothing particularly complex and recently zilch. I felt my knitting needles were getting very rusty (even though I have bamboo needles!). I'm sure I could be good I just need a little help to get to grips with using different stitches and learning to read patterns more fluently.
Cue this brilliant knitting magazine!
Simple Stylish Knitting is exactly what any novice or rusty knitter like me, needs. In each issue you build up techniques through the projects and grow little by little in confidence, making lots of fun stuff along the way. I was asked to help contribute to their 'Knits to Wear' board last year when they launched - loads of great patterns and inspiration so far from my finds and those of Clairabellamakes!
Simple Stylish Knitting is exactly what any novice or rusty knitter like me, needs. In each issue you build up techniques through the projects and grow little by little in confidence, making lots of fun stuff along the way. I was asked to help contribute to their 'Knits to Wear' board last year when they launched - loads of great patterns and inspiration so far from my finds and those of Clairabellamakes!
A little wibbly wobby casting on as I haven't knitted for ages! Imperfections are beautiful... right?
I've made the Ipad cover from Issue 1 of the magazine, It's not quite finished - I just need to do the duplicate stitching, a new technique for me that I've never tried before. I'm looking forward to mastering it as it will be useful for adding little personal touches to any future gifts I'm planning on knitting up.
If you are interested in ordering Simply Stylish Knitting head to the website for details of their latest offers.