I finally found the time to write my book!
"Online Marketing for your Craft Business"
The last few months for me have been taken up with writing the craft marketing book I have always wanted to (I know - how exciting, an actual BOOK!) It's been pretty tough to manage my time effectively as I have a marketing business, kids, dog and I'm also in the process of moving house.As writing Craft Blog UK is not my day job, I have to prioritise the writing for my clients during office hours, but it shows that if you set your mind to it and you enjoy it - you can find the time around a day job.
Serious editing last night of the layouts that came from the designers (+ wine of course!!)
Excited! Look pages from my book!!!
The book is around 50,000 words, jam packed with tips for getting your business noticed online. It's at the editing stage now, I have a red felt pen and I'm enjoying making lots of scribbly notes on the layouts the designers have sent over. I want to make sure the book is broken up into easy to read sections you can refer back to. The writing of the book itself is now complete apart from the design edits and it should be available by the end of September 2014.
I've included tips I have gathered from lots of influential people in the world of craft too, the people that have helped me and that really know their stuff when it comes to networking online. I shall be posting about all the contributors and why I have asked them to contribute a tip to the book soon.
Why did I write the book?
I was asked to write the book at the end of 2013 by my publisher (David & Charles / F+W Media ) - I was thrilled. I worked with Ame Verso and the team last year on a Social Media Course which was a lot of fun. However, it gave me a huge insight into many people's lack of confidence when it comes to online marketing. It seemed that their was a gap in the market for a book specifically about online marketing for creatives.
With this book, as with many posts on this blog, I take a very detailed look at marketing your business online using the content marketing techniques and strategies that I use with my clients. A few craft business books seem to skirt over social media in one chapter - not this one!
Without getting people to your website and buying your products there is no online business.
A new client of mine went from zero to 7k likes in less than 2 months recently on Facebook and has collected over 4k newsletter subscribers with a sell out product! It's all about getting the right strategy in place and sticking to it (you do need a great product though!).
By writing this book I wanted to share my processes and concepts in order to help small craft businesses (who do not have a big budget for advertising) to be able to thrive within what has become a very competitive handmade market.
I'll be talking about social media and content marketing at the Etsy Business School, at Kirsties Handmade Fair at Hampton Court on 21st of September - do come along! - Details here!