Head here - https://www.facebook.com/about/newsfeed to find out about new look facebook and sign up for the waiting list if you want to be among the first to get it!
Looks a bit more like Google+ to me? Not the same but somehow the lines of the design... I may be imagining it!
I want to know asap whether pages are included in the news feed or whether people will have to click the following link in order to see them - this makes a huge difference for us page owners! Hopefully the default feed is as it is now, so that engaged pages which have been following good edge ranking techniques still get seen!
Here's Facebooks take on it - what do you think? Kind of like the idea it's all bigger and brighter - great for product photos!
Facebook is such a regular part of many peoples lives, especially small business owners and it really does
Please give me feedback in the comments, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the new look and the changes afoot!