Make this month the one where you really shake up your approach to your product shots and improve the photographs you share on your blog - make them wonderful and make everyone want to pin them and share them and then head to your shop and buy your product!
Take a look at the amazing Craft Blog UK Craft Gallery for inspiring craft product photography!
Forget point and shoot!
Try think, plan, learn, adjust, point, tweak, shoot and edit...
I'm really passionate about photography, I was reading about f-stops and apertures at the age of 8 and begging for an SLR. The moment my big sister left for Uni I turned her bedroom into a darkroom (not sure she was too pleased with the shutters when she came home to visit!). Photography is so easy with digital cameras, but product photography is a craft in itself and it has to be researched.
I never went down the path of becoming a photographer, but it's always been there and I know when I see an image that's well lit, well composed and has a beautiful spark of creativity from the photographer.
If you get your product photography right, you will find your work is featured all over the place, (just like I'm featuring this gorgeous clippy purse from Very Berry) - so that little bit of extra effort can make an enormous difference. Having your work featured by influential blogs can lead to a call from an influential magazine and so on...
If you get your product photography right, you will find your work is featured all over the place, (just like I'm featuring this gorgeous clippy purse from Very Berry) - so that little bit of extra effort can make an enormous difference. Having your work featured by influential blogs can lead to a call from an influential magazine and so on...
These tips are from all over the web including a series I wrote myself a few years ago.
- Advice for Photographing Crafts - these are my tips, they're for people with a mid range compact digital camera - Craft Blog UK
- Photographing Your Crafts - Great Tips from Folksy the biggest British handmade marketplace, some tips written by me :)
- Product Photography Tips
- Handmadeology - Tim is a craft / Etsy business GURU! - He shares brilliant tips - try this one on 10 mistakes to avoid when photographing crafts - The importance of good product photography
- UK Handmade - I don't need to tell you how helpful UK Handmade are - a group of volunteers that share their wealth of handmade and craft business experience on an almost daily basis for the past 3 years. - 8 tips to imporove your product photography
- Mayi Carles of HeartHandmade Blog - This lady is worth listening too! She's fast becoming one of my favourite crafty personalities - sign up to Friday Video time for all sorts of craft business tips :) - Inject passion into your images
- Silversense - Rossi knows her stuff when it comes to product photography, especially with jewellery supplies! - 12 Video tutorials for improving product shots
- Mashable, Video number 12 has an amazing white background fix if you use GIMP or Photoshop. - Photography tips for bloggers, the basics
- Craft Buds, a nice easy to read introduction to the basics you should be looking out for. - Photography Tips for Crafters
- Elizabeth Carls - 7 great tips! - Small object photography for Artists and Crafters
- Small Object Photography - a whole blog devoted to craft photography - Etsy Photography Tips
- tips for taking pictures of your crafts from Etsy - Photojojo
-Shoot to Sell: Taking Better Photos for eBay, Etsy and Instructables
I've also started a Photography Tips Pinterest Board where I'll be sharing photography tip links as I find them - it's a work in progress! The best piece of advice that you will ever find is to read the instruction manual of your own camera cover to cover, buy a tripod and learn to understand light.