Tweet Chat 9pm #cbuk - How to build up fan and follower numbers on social media networks
After a day chatting to people who were all keen to know how to build up their following on Twitter, facebook, Pinterest and all the various social networks I thought it would be good to chat about this tonight in our regular tweet chat at 9pm.
Questions I'll be asking are -
- Does following and fanning as many pages as possible work?
- Do competitions work, how do you use them to boost numbers?
- Should we care about quantity (read my all killer no filler post for my opinion on this)
Please use #cbuk to join in - as always it's a brilliant way to meet new twitter users, actually have a conversation with them and of course learn a thing or two about making your craft blog a success - having a large social media following is a brilliant way of boosting blog traffic!
Please share the details on your social networks - it will be great to get as many people as possible involved.