A Discussion! - What is the most difficult / confusing / frustrating part of social media networking.... join in right now!
My talk at at The Design Trust's 'Make it Pay' event tomorrow is all about using Social Media effectively and I'm just making the final adjustments to my presentation - writing presentations and remembering I have to use my tiny notepad (which has the processing speed of a calculator) to present it on makes me look a lot like this. (I may need a hug!)
Is this how you feel when you're trying to social network effectively? Do you get confused and frustrated...?
I wanted to get some last minute help in identifying the common questions that you all have about social media, so I thought I'd open up my blog today as a place to blurt out all your frustrations and confusion and dislikes about using social media to market your products.
So please leave a comment below that really sums up what aspect of social media networking and marketing you find most confusing / difficult / frustrating. It may just help to find that other people have the same issues - you may even find some new friends to network with... you never know! (Or if you really want to let loose maybe it should be an anonymous comment!)
I'll be hanging around in the comments area below with cups of tea and sympathy and maybe even some advice! :)
Permission to rant!