Hi All,
I'll be hosting another tweet chat this evening, Sunday 3rd June, at 9pm, use #cbuk on your tweets to join in and follow everyones tweets - topic of the day is...
Bloggers Block vs Idea Overload
Do you struggle to find ideas for good blog content? Or do you have so many ideas you end up writing a mish mash of topics in one post, that's too long for people to bother read. Have you run out of steam with your posts - or have you experienced all this and found a way to get through it!We're going to be discussing ways to reach that perfect balance of consistent posts with great content -
- How do you always have a stream of great blog post ideas?
- Do you have an editorial calendar to refer to? How far in advance to you plan it?
- Does blogging off the cuff lead to the inevitable "It's been 3 weeks since my last post, sorry!...." post. (Should you ever apologise for not posting?)
- How do you get consistent with your blog posting.
I'd love you all to join me, it doesn't matter if you have never blogged and you're looking for advice or if you are a pro blogger with 4000 posts under your belt, I just want us to share ideas, resources and also make some new blogging pals on Twitter.
Please can you share this tweet chat reminder with your craft blogging friends!
Please can you share this tweet chat reminder with your craft blogging friends!