Hello Craft Bloggers and designer makers!
Once again I have been given the one last remaining spot on the popular UK Handmade showcase to give to one of the readers of CBUK! - it's worth £10! The theme is British Summer, to celebrate the jubilee! So anything with a summer theme or a British theme will fit!
Some juicy stats to pique your interest -
- The UK Handmade website sees an average of 50,000 page views per month.
- The UK Handmade community has over 4,300 members
- UK Handmade has a highly engaged facebook page with over 10,300 fans
- UK Handmade has a twitter following of over 10,900, and a loyal fans that regularly retweet and shares content to their own networks.
- The showcase is linked to from every page on the site and featured on the home page.
The closing date for this competition is Saturday 5th May at 6pm! (less than 48 hours away!) Applications for the summer showcase have now closed, so this is the only way to get in there now...
If you don't have anything relevant, why not tell a friend that does, they'll love you for it!
Take a look at past showcases here - Craft Showcase, they look great and are very easy for potential customers (and press, UK Handmade does really well on a search for handmade!) to browse through. They can just click directly through to your shop if they like what they see.
Eligibility to enter
You need to be able to tick ALL of these boxes!
You must complete ALL 3 of these actions to be eligible for entry!
If you don't have anything relevant, why not tell a friend that does, they'll love you for it!
Take a look at past showcases here - Craft Showcase, they look great and are very easy for potential customers (and press, UK Handmade does really well on a search for handmade!) to browse through. They can just click directly through to your shop if they like what they see.
Eligibility to enter
You need to be able to tick ALL of these boxes!
- I'm a craftsman or designer maker, based in the UK
- I have good quality images of my work online and ready to send over as a link to my shop / website (sorry we can't accept dark / out of focus images as it will bring the standards down - see the recent showcase for our quality level - http://www.ukhandmade.co.uk/showcase/spring )
- I sell an item suitable for a British / summer / jubilee themed handmade showcase (use common sense please!)
- I have not already got a spot in this showcase (good on you if you did, but sorry the items must all be from different makers)
- I have followed the rules of entry below!
How to enter - Read carefully please :)
You must complete ALL 3 of these actions to be eligible for entry!
- Fan or follow Craft Blog UK on either of these networks if you are not already. (or both if you like) Facebook - http://facebook.com/craftbloguk Twitter - http://twitter.com/craftbloguk
- Share the link to this competition on Facebook or twitter before the closing date.
- Leave a comment below with a link to the item you would like to enter. Your comment may not show immediately.