Cool Hunting Video Presents: John Derian from Cool Hunting on Vimeo.
We always strive to discover and document the most phenomenal people, places and things around the globe but there is something extra satisfying when we find a real gem in our own back yard of New York City. In our latest video we visited John Derian who has been making découpage housewares sinces 1989. Derian, whose production facility sits quietly tucked away on 2nd street in New York's East Village, collects 18th century imagery, which he lovingly transforms into beautiful découpage pieces.Another fab video discovered on one of my Vimeo adventures... all good research ;) He makes some great kitchy decoupage homewares, it's fascinating to watch even if you aren't particularly into decoupage. I just enjoy watching people talk about their work, and John is so unassuming, he says he doesn't do computers and ironically he can't even 'cut and paste' :)