Add new Google+1 gadgets to your blog

Blogger users may have noticed 2 new gadgets have appeared, go to your dashboard, click layout and then click add gadgets to get yours. The new gadgets are another way of trying to get people engaged with the Google+ social networking platform. 

There is a now a  +1 button and a  +1 badge to add - I have added both to my top right sidebar for you to have a play with and decide if you want to add one for yourself - mine may move about eventually. My sidebars are looking very higgledy piggledy at the moment I'm planning a de-clutter very soon!

It's basically the same as a facebook 'like' badge and button, with the counter that shows how many +1's you have and also a way to get people to quickly add your Google+ page to their circles.

[???  They do not appear to be working - can you see them?! Please check back tomorrow!]

Why do you want to add a '+1 Button' to your blog?

Here's what Google has to say - 

Unlike the +1 button that can appear below a post, this gadget is specific to your blog. Displaying it on your blog will allow visitors to endorse your blog and share it with their friends.  
If you’re wondering what a +1 means, think of it as a public stamp of approval from your readers. As soon as someone clicks on the +1 button next to your blog, they’ll also have the option to share it with their friends, contacts, or the rest of the web.  
+1s from your readers will appear to people in their circles whenever your blog shows up in Google search results.Here’s an example:

If you don't have a blogger blog fear not - head here to grab the code - Google +1 button code