Anna Hrachovec - Mochimochi Land, The Cutest Knitted things EVER!

Whilst on the hunt for some lovely Christmassy knitting patterns to share on my Handmade Christmas page...  these cute snowmen caught my eye.

I run Handmade Christmas just because I love Christmas Crafts and usually have about 10% of the time I need to actually make any Christmas craft stuff (if that), so this page gives me an outlet where I can go LOOK, isn't this an amazing idea and share my favourite decoration ideas from Pinterest and Tumblr...   in the hope of one day trying a few - scroll through to see some of my latest posts above.

Anyway.... back to the point of this post! I found the Flickr page and Ravelry page of this amazing designer, Anna Hrachovec.

I challenge you not to spend an hour flicking through her Flickr stream, so many cute, clever and creative patterns and there are many available for you to knit up on Ravelry.  She also has a book (in fact she has lots of books available) perfect for a little Chrimbo gift and I'm going to put one on my wish list this year! Find them all on Amazon here -  Anna Hrachovec - MochiMochiLand

You can also buy kits through Etsy! at MochiMochiLand

My favourites if forced to choose are her 'Tiny Thing Conversion Factory' knits! (although I pretty much like it all!)

Transform Pandas into Gnomes 

Or how about little knitted trees into little knitted lions!