Bart Vargas Baby - Consumption and Waste

A Bitter Pill 

The work of Bart Vargas is fascinating, and some of it a little scary - see the golden baby/bird pictures below! Has any parent ever looked at their wailing child and seen a very precious but squawking hungry bird - I think quite a few (or just me???)

I like the bottle orbs and the globe and bomb made of computer keys and I really like his ethos.
Here's what Bart says about his work -
"For over a decade, I have been exploring the artistic potential of trash and recyclable materials. Using pattern, repetition and form, I’ve built sculptures, and installations that have blurred the identity of these everyday materials, transforming them into playful, thought-provoking objects. I want my creations to act as artifacts and evidence of the early 21st century, and hope to do so by using materials that are no longer needed or valued in an era of limited resources and extraordinary consumption and waste."
Information Bomb! Particularly like the USB cord 'fuse'

Old drink bottles turned into art - they look great as dangling orbs!

We do live in a digital world! The uk seems to be represented by just 3 keys!

Bird Boy

Crow Baby