Blogging Tips and Resources

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Tips & Tutorials for Bloggers
When you start blogging the most important and worrying thing is the content, it can be a bit scary and make you feel a little vulnerable to be 'out there' but after a few posts you're raring to go, can't stop typing and you need a few tips and tricks to really make your blog stand out from the crowd... 

Here are a few blogging tips to help you along your way!
Remember to also take a look at all the 'Helpful Blogs' in the sidebar list for lots more tips and hints for bloggers!

Where to Promote your Craft Blog?   - Links to lots of social networking , bookmarking sites and craft forums that are well worth your while looking into  MORE!

Horizontal Link Bar
Adding a link/navigation bar to your blog - you know the horizontal bar below your header that helps you sort out all your posts into really cool organised sections - why does this not come standard with a blogger template!  MORE!

Shop Slideshow   - Way better than an Etsy Mini in so many ways!  Your stuff scrolling through and clicking direct to your shop and you don't even have to upload all your pics anywhere!  MORE!

Post Background Colour
Add a lovely background colour to your blog posts - a different colour for every post or just highlight certain areas of your posts to give them more impact - just like I have here!  MORE!

Photography Tips  - Tips from CBuk author haptree  - you need good photos for succesful blogging so here is a link to loads of useful tips to improve your photographs.  MORE!

Badges and Buttons to Grab - Make a badge for blog swapping and learn how to post the code onto your blog so that your readers can 'grab' it for their blog.  MORE!

Clickable Comments - Have you ever wanted to leave a blog comment that is actually clickable, learn how to add a hyperlink to a blog comment so that people can click straight trough to your site. MORE!

Link your Blog to Facebook - exactly that, let your facebook fan page or profile be automatically updated when you blog.  MORE!

More tips from Haptree - Before Craft Blog UK I wrote alot of tips on my personal blog which I think you'll find useful, some are linked to above but there are lots more little gems to look through!

Why do I need a Blog to sell craft? - Setting the scene of your online shop.
Tips from Etsy Bloggers
Blog Post Titles - are they important for SEO
Social Media Sharing button - one click sharing.
Tweetable Links - Make it really easy for people to send out tweets, write it for them!

Please contact Craft Blog UK if you have a blogging tip you'd like to share or why not tweet us @craftbloguk
Bead Kit and Wristlet - Haptree